Ch Hearts of Hopes Oakley Enduro
Puppy Jahressieger Denmark 2015, Best baby at German Jahressieger 2015
Danish champion, Polish champion
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Født: 21.04.2015
HD: B1
HD index: 92 pr 01.10.2018
Hjerte: 0
ungdomsspondylose(18 mdr): 0
spondylose(24 mdr): 0
Avlskåret: Ja
Ejer: Kenneth Holbøll |
I en alder af kun 2 år og 8 dage, opnåede Oki titlerne
Dansk Champion og Polsk Champion
At the age of only 2 years and 8 days, Oki now have the titles
Danish Champion and Polish Champion
We are very proud
Oki at a young age 
Hearts of Hope's Oakley Enduro - Oki
DKK Varde - SL 1, Best male baby, best baby
Jahressieger Denmark - SL 1, best male baby , best male puppy and PUPPY JAHRESSIEGER Denmark
Jubilæumsudstilling - SL 1, best baby male, best male puppy
Jahreesiger Tyskland - SL 1, best brindle male baby, BEST BABY at the show
Jahressiger Tyskland 2015 - Best Baby at the show
Dansk hvalpeårsvinder 2015 - Danish puppy Jahressieger |
10 uger gammel / 10 weeks old
High on Life's Billie Jean, HD A, Hjerte 0, Spondylose 1
High on Life's J kuld
4 hanner - 2 tæver
Faberge Nostrum, HD C, Hjerte 0, Spondylose 1
Hearts of Hope's U kuld
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